Why Joann Brinton is running for the Utah State School Board

Joann is fueled by a commitment to defending the founding principles of our country with policies that empower future generations. Joann is is committed to Raising the Bar by:

  1. Prioritizing Academics
  2. Ensuring Utah Values
  3. Empowering Parents & Educators

Meet Joann Brinton - District 15's next School Board Member

Joann Brinton is a happy wife, mother and grandmother.

Joann brings a wealth of life experiences to her campaign for Utah State School Board. Her journey in education includes a degree in secondary education from BYU and experience teaching elementary, middle and high school students. There, in the trenches, Joann passionately taught the stories that shaped our nation.

Over the past two decades, her educational experience has expanded from teaching in the classroom to volunteering in the schools. Joann is currently serving as a PTA president. She has been involved in policy, advisory and decision-making on PTO/PTA boards and Community Councils. Joann has also helped with legislation for the past couple of years to protect children. Support Joann and let's work together to raise the bar in Utah education.

Quick facts about Joann

  • History teaching degree from Brigham Young University
  • Experience teaching in public and charter schools
  • Teaching in elementary, middle & high school levels
  • 9 years volunteering in classrooms
  • Currently serving as PTA President with several years serving on boards
  • 3 years serving on School Lands Trust Community Councils
  • 2nd VP Washington County Republican Women 2022-current
  • SG 15 Precinct Chair 2022-2024
  • Eagle Forum President for Washington County

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"No free government, nor the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles"

- George Mason (Father of the Bill of Rights)

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